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Weird Inventions

Weird Inventions

Human history has always been dotted with inventions, some of which were really revolutionary. Most of us are familiar with legendary inventors, like, Alexander Graham Bell (telephone), Thomas Edison (light bulb, motion picture projector, etc.), Benjamin Franklin (pointed lightning rod conductor, bifocal glasses), Alfred Nobel (dynamite), etc. There are thousands of great inventions till date and the above mentioned are only a few among them. While the term 'inventions' has always been associated with great inventors and inventions, there are some odd and weird inventions, we tend to forget. Have you ever heard of eye drop funnels, butter sticks, metal detecting sandals, umbrella tube, pillow wigs, etc. As in the case of great inventions, weird or wacky inventions are also numerous. Let us take a look at some of them.
Now, we know that along with the great inventions, there are so many weird ones too. While some of these have been patented and marketed, others fail to get noticed. The Japanese are the most experienced and versatile in weird and crazy inventions, with a wide range of unusual inventions to their credit. The following are some of the strange inventions.
Have you ever heard of a transparent bubble, inside which, your vehicle is protected from elements, like, dirt, dust, fingerprints, dents, etc. If not, then, look for the car or bike capsule, which is a vinyl bubble, which can protect your car or bike from corrosive elements. According to the inventors, this protective cover is very strong and if you drop anything heavy (up to 3 kilograms) on it, it will bounce off. It can resist, abrasion, fire and mildew growth. A high pressure fan attached to this system, which ensures that the vehicle is free of moisture. This car capsule can be definitely odd, but it can be considered something beneficial, as you can leave your car inside this capsule, without any worry.
Can you ever imagine a hat, that can prevent smoking. The answer lies in this weird invention called anti-smoking hat, which makes it impossible for a person to smoke, while wearing that hat. The mechanism behind the working of this hat is as follows. A small pressurized container with dense and non-toxic foam is attached to the inner side of the hat. The brim of the hat has a spray nozzle, which is connected to the container and a sensor that can detect heat or smoke. Whenever, the person who is wearing hat, starts smoking, the sensor detects it and sends signal to release the foam. The foam inside the cylinder gets sprayed on the cigarette, thereby extinguishing it. Even though, one of the weird inventions, this anti-smoking hat is unique.
You might have heard of metal detectors, which are used for finding traces of metal in soil, sand, wood and a wide range of other substances. This tool is used in various domains, like security checking, treasure hunting, etc. Even food industries make use of metal detectors, while checking for metal traces in their packed foods. If you are interested in metal detectors, forget about the conventional ones, which are not easy to carry. You can go for metal detecting sandals, which can be worn, while you stroll. This weird invention looks like ordinary sandals, but is attached to a small black box, which can be strapped around one of the legs. The sandal, which is attached to the black box, has a built-in copper coil, which is powered by the battery (9V) in the box. This copper coil can detect presence of metal within a range of two feet and can intimate by emitting a buzzing sound or by flashing lights. You can get a pair of this metal detecting sandals of your size and go for treasure hunting too.
Funnel Eyeglasses, Chopstick Fan, Butter Stick.
As we are discussing some of the weird inventions, we must not forget the Japanese who have made a huge contribution to this field. There are numerous Japanese, weird inventions and the following are some of them. We all use glue sticks for sticking paper or other things, but, have you ever heard of a butter stick. It is nothing, but, a stick of butter inside a small cylindrical container and this product resembles a glue stick in appearance. This wacky invention helps you to carry butter, as you carry glue in a glue stick and you can apply butter, as if you apply glue. The next one is funnel eyeglasses. How can you administer eye drops through funnels? It is possible, if you use the funnel eyeglasses invented by the Japanese inventor, Kenji Kawakami, who is famous for absurd and crazy inventions. These eyeglasses are attached with funnels, through which eye drops can be administered. Another such weird invention is chopstick fan, which is nothing other than ordinary chopsticks attached with small fans, so as to cool the food. The brains behind the above said unusual inventions and many others is Kenji Kawakami and other Japanese people. This include head-mounted tissue dispensers for those suffering from cold, subway hat for relaxing your head, while traveling in subway, umbrella tube, which is an umbrella, which has extensions to cover the whole body of the user, etc.
This weird invention is meant for those, who long for a nap, but, fail to do so, as they need the comfort of their bed for sleep. It is not possible for such people to carry their bed and pillow to public places. So, pillow wigs can be the perfect solution for them. It is nothing, but a wig made of a pillow. The user can wear it as a wig and enjoy it as a pillow too. According to the inventor (Joon Youn Park) of this weird invention called pillow wig, this product enables the user to sleep or rest comfortably at any time or place.
Now, you have a basic idea about some of the weird inventions till date. The above said are only a few from a whole lot of weird inventions. While most of them are considered funny or absurd, there are some, which are accepted and found to be useful. If you are interested in knowing more, then conduct a research and get acquainted with such wacky and crazy inventions.

